***D.71: Unable to area pick compound(s) because one or more of its component elements is ghosted or is on an invisible, ghosted, or locked layer. ***D.70: Unable to pick compound because one or more of its component elements is ghosted or is on an invisible, ghosted, or locked layer. ***D.69: Unable to break a polyline segment because the break point is not on a selected polyline segment. ***D.68: Some operand elements were skipped, because several different error conditions were encountered. The break point is a start or end point of an element. ***D.67: Some operand elements were skipped, because several different error conditions were encountered. The insertion/break point is not on a selected polyline segment. ***D.66: The Area element can only be queried on the Point or Segment level. ***D.65: The Area element can only be queried on the Point or Segment level and has been skipped in this query. ***D.64: Not enough memory available to construct the display lists of this project. Retry with least possible circle resolution. ***D.63: Not enough memory available to construct the display lists of this project. Elements without a display list are not displayed until more memory is made available. ***D.62: Invalid operand(s) for the enclosure derivation encountered. The operands were skipped and no enclosures derived from them. ***D.61: A circular arc has been changed to an elliptic arc. The arc dimension associated with it can not be displayed correctly. ***D.60: The Area clipping encountered Text elements for clipping. Text elements cannot be exploded and were skipped by this operation. ***D.59: Inappropriate operands encountered. The Boolean operations cannot be executed with dimensions, hatches, symbols, text or PICT elements, or the area element. ***D.58: Inappropriate operands and topological levels encountered for the Boolean operations. The operation can not terminate successfully. ***D.57: Inappropriate topological level encountered. The Boolean operations require operands to be picked on the Element or Compound level. ***D.56: The dimension attributes of only one dimension can be retrieved at a time. Prepick only one dimension for this operation. ***D.55: Points that generate a vertical dimension with zero length have been selected. This dimension can not be constructed successfully. ***D.54: Points that generate a horizontal dimension with zero length have been selected. This dimension can not be constructed successfully. ***D.53: A parallel dimension with zero length has been generated. This dimension will not display properly. ***D.52: Radial and diameter dimensions require that arcs, circles, or ellipses are picked on the element level. ***D.51: Arc dimensions require that arcs are picked on the element level. ***D.50: Angular dimensions require that unique points are picked. ***D.49: Horizontal, vertical, and parallel dimensions require that unique points are picked on the point level. ***D.48: Invalid element(s) selected. The selected arcs are not circular arcs with a constant radius. ***D.47: Invalid element(s) selected. The arc dimension requires arcs to be selected. ***D.46: Angular dimensions require that unique points are picked on the point level. ***D.45: Invalid element(s) selected. Radius and diameter dimension require circles, ellipses, and arcs, to be operands. ***D.44: The selected element(s) for the compound creation include invalid element(s) or entities selected more than once at the point or segment level. These elements were skipped or only included once. ***D.43: Unable to finish operation. ***D.42: Some operand elements were skipped, because several different error conditions were encountered. Polylines with more than one segment that were selected with the frame pick or the "select all" command can not be processed. ***D.41: Some operand elements were skipped because they were neither one-segment polylines nor directly (pre-)picked. Polylines with more than one segment need to be picked directly. ***D.40: Adjacent line segments of a polyline element can not be joined. ***D.39: Text display size is too large to place/edit. Reduce the project plot scale, or reduce the window display scale, or zoom out in order to place/edit text. ***D.38: No PICT in the Clipboard to paste. ***D.37: Linear dimensions must be placed using a minimum of two unique points. ***D.36: Angular dimensions must be placed using at least three unique points. ***D.35: The Explode tool can not explode text or PICT elements. ***D.34: The Explode tool can only operate on entities selected at the element level. ***D.33: The operand elements must be the same type. ***D.32: Can not derive intersection because operand polylines are parallel. ***D.31: The operand elements are not polylines. This operation requires the operand elements to be polylines. ***D.30: This operation requires two unique elements to be selected as operands. ***D.29: This operation requires at least two unique elements to be selected as operands. ***D.28: This operation requires that the operand elements be selected directly instead of using the "select all", frame pick, area pick, or compound level pick. Operand elements need to be picked directly. ***D.27: This operation requires that the operand elements be selected directly instead of using the "select all", frame pick, area pick, or compound level pick. Operand elements need to be picked directly. ***D.26: Adjacent line segments of a polyline element can not be extended simultaneously. ***D.25: Adjacent line segments of a polyline element can not be trimmed/filleted simultaneously. ***D.24: Invalid element selected. The join/connect operators can only be applied to polyline elements selected at the point or segment level or single segment polylines. ***D.23: Invalid element selected. The insertion/break operators can only be applied to polyline elements selected at the point or segment level or single segment polylines. ***D.22: Invalid element selected. The line/arc extension operators can only be applied to polyline elements selected at the segment level and arc, partial ellipse elements or single segment polylines. ***D.21: Invalid element selected. The trim/fillet operators can only be applied to polyline elements selected at the segment level or single segment polylines. ***D.20: Unable to insert point on polyline segment because the insertion point is not on a selected polyline segment. ***D.19: The join/connect operator can only be applied to the endpoint(s) of an open polyline element. ***D.18: Can not join points/segments because the intersection can not be determined (polyline segments are parallel or have a zero length). ***D.17: The copy parallel operator can only operate on entities selected at the element level. ***D.16: No element selected as operand. ***D.15: A polyline(s) selected for copy parallel contains colinear vertices that were removed in the new element. ***D.14: No active symbol to place. ***D.13: The selected elements for symbol definition contain a hatch(s) or are referenced by an associated hatch(s) which were removed to create the symbol. ***D.12: The selected elements for symbol definition contain a dimension(s) or are referenced by an associated dimension(s) which was removed to create the symbol. ***D.11: The selected elements include non dimension element(s) which were skipped. ***D.10: The selected elements do not include any dimensions. ***D.9: The selected elements include invalid element(s) for insertion or breaking. The element(s) must be exploded before insertion or breakage at this level. ***D.8: Unable to break element at point because a selected point is the start or end point of an element. ***D.7: Unable to reconstruct element for segment deletion. ***D.6: The selected elements include invalid element(s) for deletion. The element(s) must be exploded before deletion at this level. ***D.5: Invalid element(s) or combination of elements selected for current transformation. ***D.4: Can not associate dimensions to other dimensions, text or PICT elements, symbols, and the area element. ***D.3: The selected elements do not include any valid elements for hatching. ***D.2: The selected element(s) for hatching include invalid element(s) or entities selected at the point or segment level. These elements were skipped and not included in the hatching. ***D.1: Not enough memory to plot textures/hatching.